Have you ever wondered how much goes into ovulation? You might be surprised how much impact your lifestyle and environment have on your fertility.
Infertility has a lot to do with genetics and hormones, but other physical factors contribute to a woman having trouble conceiving. The father could also be a factor in infertility.
When you go for a fertility examination, you will learn a lot about your body and its ability to reproduce. You’ll also learn that infertility isn’t just genetics — there are other important factors that contribute to it as well.
If you’re planning on going in for a fertility evaluation, expect these five things from the appointment.
1. The Issue Could Be Your Fallopian Tubes or Uterus
Abnormalities of the uterus or fallopian tubes can contribute to infertility. Issues include scar tissue, the openness of the fallopian tubes, a double uterus, polyps, or fibroids.
Symptoms of these issues can be as common as cramping. You’re tested for these physical complications with a radiologist during your fertility evaluation. This test is called a hysterosalpingogram.
A catheter is placed through the cervix to expose the uterus and fallopian tubes. The catheter then injects an ink that outlines the uterus and fallopian tubes.
2. Your Partner May be Subject to a Semen Analysis
Roughly 50% of infertilities are due to inadequate semen. This is why the male’s involvement is important for a fertility evaluation.
When semen is analyzed, the professionals are checking for sperm count, morphology, volume, and clarity.
During this analysis, you and your partner shouldn’t have intercourse 2-3 days prior to effectively measure the number of sperm cells in his semen.
3. Thyroid Testing
Did you know your thyroid is a leading factor of infertility and miscarriages? If hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is genetic, a thyroid test may be requested.
The doctor will look and see if your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is elevated or is beginning to fail.
If your thyroid is irregular, you will be prescribed thyroid medication to regulate it. In low dosages, this medication is safe when planning a pregnancy.
4. Reviewing Your Production of Prolactin
Prolactin is the hormone that’s secreted during pregnancy and is most famous for causing lactation. But when you’re not pregnant and the production of prolactin is elevated, it can cause miscarriages.
Overproduction of prolactin can be as simple as an abnormal pituitary gland or even a benign tumor. Your doctor will test your levels to determine if this is an issue.
5. Checking for STIs, Hepatitis, and HIV
Women who have STIs, HIV, or Hepatitis will have a difficult time becoming pregnant and can be more susceptible for miscarriages.
If the mother tests positive for either disease, there’s a significant chance of passing the diseases to the baby. That’s why these types of screenings are essential in your evaluation.
Time to Get Your Fertility Evaluation
Conceiving a child doesn’t come easily for all women. Infertility is a common problem for men and women. No one should feel ashamed when they’re infertile; however, medical attention could be necessary.
There are fertility issues that are out of your control, such as genetics and your biology. If you tried to conceive for over a year, it’s recommended you have a fertility evaluation.
If you need answers to your infertility, schedule an appointment with us today in our fertility clinic New York!
Watch this video for more details on what to expect at your first appointment.