News & Articles

COVID-19 Testing Now Available!
Kofinas Fertility Group will continue to be open and perform all services for established and new patients. Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been open and are providing uninterrupted fertility and surgical services for our patients.
As of April 7, 2020 the New York State Department of Health and the NY Governor’s Executive Order declared reproductive health services essential. We are committed to staying open under this guidance and providing the highest quality of care our patients have come to know and expect.
Long before the CDC published their guidelines for healthcare companies, we instituted our own protective measures and practices. We fortified our own system that exceeded the CDC guidelines to maximize safety for our patients and staff.
We have continued to go beyond CDC guidelines and best practice precautions, which we increased far in advance of the current state of emergency. Because of our early and vigorous undertaking of protective protocols and best practices implemented by our Medical Director and our Director of IVF, we have been able to keep our staff and patients healthy and safe while still providing the excellent level of care and outcomes we are known for.
The successful measures we took worked extremely well for our patients and staff and we are pleased to announce that starting this week we will add the capability of on-site COVID-19 testing, which will be administered to all staff that comes in contact with patients. We will also have the capability to test our patients if the situation dictates that this is necessary. In addition to our protective protocols in our facilities, please continue to practice all safety protocols to limit the spread of germs and prevent infection at home and in transit, and that includes wearing a face mask in public and proper hand hygiene.
With the inclusion of fertility services as essential health services, we firmly believe that all fertility treatments can continue without interruption. Our goal is to provide you the best comprehensive fertility care in a safe environment that gives you the best chance of building the family you have always dreamed of.
Covid-19 Updates
It is our pleasure to be here for all your fertility needs, especially now when you may not know where to look for support. We would like to take this time to update you on what measures we are taking to ensure the safety of all of our patients and staff.
We strongly believe that infertility is a medical condition and vow to treat all of our patients with the diligence and urgency that is needed in order to start or grow the family of your dreams.
Uninterrupted Service and Visiting our Offices
As an essential business, our Lower Manhattan, Central Park West, Brooklyn, and Staten Island offices continue to be open. We are accepting new patient consultations and are continuing with our existing patients that are in the treatment process.
For patients of 65 Broadway, the main building entrance during normal business hours is now open!
Please enter through the 65 Broadway entrance!
Delivering the safest fertility treatments in New York
To ensure the continuity of care to our patients, we are taking every measure to respond to the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
In order to provide the best care and minimize the spread of infection, we will be implementing the following practices:
- Following and exceeding CDC's strict protocols
- Extending monitoring hours
- Morning monitoring/bloods should be by appointment ONLY and NO walk-ins (to avoid overcrowding in patient/hallway area)
- 6 ft apart floor markings on 14th floor to ensure patient safety
- The clinical team will be taking temperatures as patients get off the elevators to ensure no one with a temperature or at risk for COVID-19 can come into the patient waiting area
- Extra sanitizing and cleaning measures of entire work place, especially patient waiting area
- Limiting visitors to new and active female and male patients
- Limiting additional visitors to no more than one person for transportation after a procedure
We ask that you wash your hands frequently. If you have symptoms of any form of illness, please refrain from coming into the office and stay home.
Support for our Patients
Due to a high call volume, our clinical staff will return your calls as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that some calls may be from a restricted number due to staff working remotely. We ask for your patience and understanding as this unprecedented event unfolds.
Kofinas Fertility Group’s Lower Manhattan and Staten Island offices are currently offering the following in-person appointments for new and active healthy patients:
- New patient consultations and fertility work-ups
- Providing full care for our active patients
- Fertility preservation
For additional information or to schedule an appointment please visit or call 212-348-4000.