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3 Reasons to Take Advantage of New York State’s IVF (FAFTA) Coverage

What is the FAFTA Fertility Mandate?

FAFTA, or the "Fertility Mandate", is a mandate that was passed in New York that goes into effect January 1, 2020. It expands insurance coverage for individuals seeking IVF and medically necessary egg freezing. 

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This is great news for lots of hopeful couples and individuals since IVF treatments often go overlooked by employers and insurance providers. Not to mention, IVF treatments are highly expensive with initial and subsequent attempts. 

However, the new Fertility Mandate offers a range of possibilities and support, so if you're considering IVF treatments as an option to achieve a healthy pregnancy, here are 3 reasons to take advantage of the opportunity: 

1. If You Need Medically Necessary Egg Freezing

In the past, insurance companies didn't consider egg freezing as a mandatory step in ensuring a healthy pregnancy through IVF, but now, the new Fertility Mandate has made improvements. 

Since it can take multiple attempts to achieve successful insemination with IVF, all private insurance companies will be required to cover medically necessary egg freezing for their employers pursuing fertility treatments. Over time, this offer saves money and gives peace of mind to patients since multiple eggs can be extracted at once and saved for future trials if one isn't successful. 

Also, if a patient is sick or unable to give birth naturally, they can save their eggs and freeze them for a later date to achieve a successful pregnancy later down the road. 

2. If You're Interested in IVF, 3 Cycles are Covered by Large-group Insurance Companies

Benefits from egg freezing are important, but having the ability to perform multiple IVF cycles is also crucial to achieving a successful pregnancy. 

Thankfully, the new Fertility Mandate also requires certain large-group insurance plans to cover 3 IVF cycles. Typically, a single IVF cycle can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $17,000, and by certain insurance carriers covering the expenses for 3 cycles, hopeful couples and individuals have a better chance to have the family of their dreams without insurmountable financial pressure. 

Keep in mind, only specific large-group insurance providers are required to offer coverage, so be sure to check with your employer and insurance carrier before pursuing IVF treatments. 

3. If You Have Received a Diagnosis or Treatment that Lead to Infertility

Lastly, insurance providers generally view fertility treatments as an invalid reason for coverage. However, the new Fertility Mandate provides new benefits for those with medical conditions and treatments that can lead to infertility. 

For instance, if a person is undergoing chemotherapy and the treatment causes fertility issues, any future procedure for infertility will be covered by insurance providers (within the other parameters of the mandate). There are a variety of medical conditions that cause infertility, so any patient who may have felt out of options to start a family in the past can find new inspiration from these benefits. 

How Kofinas Fertility Group can Help

Understanding and navigating new insurance processes can be tough, but Kofinas Fertility Group can help you every step of the way. 

Not only do our fertility specialists understand the latest updates and news about fertility coverage, but they also specialize in a wide range of services, such as egg freezing, IVF, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and microsurgery. Whatever your fertility challenges are, our team can help you develop a treatment plan and find success. 

Learn more about the new Fertility Mandate and request an appointment with a  doctor

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