Essure Removal Or Reversal
Who Can Do It Safely?



What is Essure

Essure is a type of permanent birth control device that is no longer sold in the United States and is known to cause many complications. It consists of a set of metal coils inserted into the fallopian tubes in order to create a chronic inflammatory response, blocking the tubes and preventing pregnancy.  Many women chose Essure because it gave them a permanent birth control option without the need for surgery, incisions or downtime like the alternative tubal ligation method.  However, many women have since reported serious long-term adverse side effects from Essure. 

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The Bleeding Edge

The Netflix documentary, The Bleeding Edge, brought a much needed spotlight to the controversy surrounding the FDA process for approving medical devices, such as Essure, in the United States. What gained our attention specifically was how the oversight in this process has resulted in thousands of women’s reproductive and overall health being compromised. Complications from the device can cause a range of issues from allergic reactions and chronic pelvic pain to the need for a hysterectomy, and even death. In some cases, fragments from the metal coils can migrate and perforate or embed within the fallopian tubes, uterus or other organs causing chronic pain among a myriad of other health problems that can occur. This documentary shares the compelling stories of women across America, who are now suffering long-term effects after Essure implantation and subsequent implications on their lives.

Essure has been discontinued since December 2018. The makers of the device, Bayer, claimed the decision was due to a decline in sales and chose not to recall the device!

The attention to this matter brought about by this documentary has given the affected women and their loved ones the chance to find support through networking with others who are facing the same challenges. It has also brought awareness to the FDA approval process and consequences to the company behind the device. “This is exactly why we do this work. This film has already changed policies and changed history.” said Kirby Dick, one of the filmmakers of The Bleeding Edge.



Complications from the device can cause a range of issues

from allergic reactions and chronic pelvic pain to the need for a

hysterectomy, and even death.

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What Is The Difference Between Essure Removal and Reversal?

With a growing number of concerns over the safety of Essure and numerous complaints of adverse reactions, many women are opting to have these devices removed. Essure devices must be removed surgically. Though they sound the same, Essure removal and reversal are actually different.

Even though Essure removal is challenging and many doctors aren’t able to offer the procedure at all, our team of physicians at Kofinas Fertility Group are highly experienced and will be able to skillfully and safely remove the device. Your doctor will be able to counsel you to determine the most appropriate method for removing the device depending on placement among other factors. Our goal is to remove the device safely and in its entirety in order to relieve you of pain or any other symptoms you may be enduring. There are various imaging techniques that will allow your physician to evaluate the device placement, including transvaginal ultrasound, hysterosalpingography (HSG), and abdominal pelvic x-ray. Once your physician is able to evaluate the placement and identify any complications, they will be able to advise you on how to proceed to get the best outcome. Several techniques are currently used to remove Essure including the use of hysteroscopy, laparoscopic salpingectomy, cornuectomy, and total hysterectomy. Having the device removed is typically the only way to alleviate your pain and symptoms. Even if you are asymptomatic you may still want to have it checked out by your doctor. Often, insurances provide coverage for the removal surgery as it is typically deemed necessary to alleviate the adverse reactions. Our financial counselors will be able to give you the details of your specific coverage and costs to you (if any) once you’ve come in for your consultation.

Essure reversal is for women who want to have the device surgically removed and their fallopian tubes reattached as a way to get pregnant naturally. While Essure was meant to be a permanent form of birth control, some women change their minds later on. The good news is that having a baby after Essure is possible! Essure reversal is typically not covered by insurance companies since it is considered elective and may or may not be successful in attaining pregnancy. In order to get the best results, we recommend having the device removed and then undergoing IVF treatment as it has much higher success rates. As always, at Kofinas Fertility Group, we provide individualized treatment to our patients and our clinical team will help you navigate all of your options.


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Essure Symptoms To Watch Out For

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned such as: chronic pelvic pain, an allergic reaction to the Essure device, bleeding, painful intercourse, irregular periods, headaches, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and/or any other symptoms or discomfort, it is important that you be evaluated by a doctor. Because of the high rate of Essure complications, even if you haven’t experienced any adverse symptoms, you should still speak with a medical professional about the possible risks and complications associated with the Essure device. Women wishing to undergo IVF should have the Essure device removed prior to undergoing any treatment for optimal results.


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Why Many Doctors Can't Help Out With Essure Reversal

Essure removal is uniquely challenging. Many doctors and surgeons don’t offer this surgery because of the complicated nature of removing the device in its entirety, which is highlighted in the Netflix Documentary, The Bleeding Edge. Because of the way the Essure device was constructed, each of its three components can be fractured (and left behind) if not carefully and precisely performed under the expertise of an experienced surgeon. Leaving behind a piece of the Essure Device may not allow for improvement of symptoms. For this reason it is very important to undergo this surgery under the care of a highly skilled surgeon.


If you would like to talk to us to understand your treatment options,

please reach out to request an appointment today!


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Why Not To Panic If You Have Essure

Your doctor will also go over your medical history in detail and perform a pelvic ultrasound at your initial consultation.  You will receive a  comprehensive evaluation allowing us to get to the root cause of your unique symptoms and ensure the best chance of successfully alleviating your symptoms through Essure removal surgery.



How Kofinas Can Help Remove Essure

At Kofinas Fertility Group, our team of highly experienced surgeons (and physicians), specializing in reproductive surgeries, can provide a safe solution for the device removal. Every case is unique and your surgeon will help you determine which method is best.

Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center (MRSC), which is dedicated to the patients of Kofinas Fertility Group, is the first stand-alone ambulatory surgical center in the state of New York solely focused on reproductive surgery. Our physicians are committed to helping women receive the most comprehensive access to care for all of their reproductive healthcare needs. We understand that your daily life is being affected and we want to help you get back to feeling normal as quickly as possible.

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